Flows From V4¶
(powered by v4)
V4 brings a complete revision and expansion of the whole CargoTracking module to serve all commodity tracking needs at vessel-per-vessel level.
- Quantity estimated at event level (so for each StS operation and load/discharge) in addition to the voyage level and for Tanker, provided both in tonnes and in barrels.
- More accurate flows that go beyond the FirstLoad/LastDischarge approximation.
- More cargo fields from the Cargo Grade level up to the Cargo Group one.
- A source for each cargo to specify what market data backed that cargo up.
- Confidence levels about our model estimation (High/Medium/Low).
Run this example in Colab.¶
Install the Signal Ocean SDK:
pip install signal-ocean
Set your subscription key acquired here: https://apis.signalocean.com/profile
!pip install signal-ocean
signal_ocean_api_key = '' #replace with your subscription key
Call the Voyages API¶
The Voyages API retrieves information about vessel voyages.
from signal_ocean import Connection
from signal_ocean.voyages import VoyagesAPI
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
import plotly.express as px
connection = Connection(signal_ocean_api_key)
api = VoyagesAPI(connection)
Example 1, Tankers: VLCC Crude flows from US to China (at Port Call level, powered by V4)¶
Get vessel class id for VLCCs
vessel_classes = api.get_vessel_classes()
vessel_classes_df = pd.DataFrame(v.__dict__ for v in vessel_classes)
vessel_class_id | vessel_class_name | vessel_type_id | vessel_type | |
11 | 84 | VLCC | 1 | Tanker |
12 | 85 | Suezmax | 1 | Tanker |
13 | 86 | Aframax | 1 | Tanker |
14 | 87 | Panamax | 1 | Tanker |
15 | 88 | MR2 | 1 | Tanker |
16 | 89 | MR1 | 1 | Tanker |
17 | 90 | Small | 1 | Tanker |
Get voyages for VLCCs¶
We will use vessel_class_id = 84 as above when calling the API
voyages = api.get_voyages(vessel_class_id=84, date_from=datetime.strptime("2021-09-01", "%Y-%m-%d"))
voyages = pd.DataFrame([v.__dict__ for v in voyages])
imo | voyage_number | vessel_type_id | vessel_class_id | vessel_status_id | commercial_operator_id | deleted | events | id | horizon_id | ... | is_implied_by_ais | has_manual_entries | ballast_distance | predicted_ballast_distance | laden_distance | predicted_laden_distance | suez_crossing | panama_crossing | canakkale_crossing | bosporus_crossing | |
10358 | 9943748 | 4 | 1 | 84 | 1 | 558.0 | False | (VoyageEvent(id='I97BAC454SEDD103100', port_id... | I97BAC454VEDD103100 | 2 | ... | None | None | 6151.11 | NaN | 6195.45 | 385.69 | None | None | None | None |
10359 | 9946673 | 1 | 1 | 84 | 1 | 1441.0 | False | (VoyageEvent(id='I97C63154SEDB84AF00', port_id... | I97C63154VEDB84AF00 | 2 | ... | None | None | 5266.17 | NaN | NaN | NaN | None | None | None | None |
2 rows × 69 columns
Keep only historical voyages and drop some columns
- Note 1: Voyages Data API has information on all levels of the Cargo Tree taxonomy, from cargo group down to cargo sub type (grade). For this first example we will use cargo_sub_group that is the corresponding taxonomy of Crude
- Note 2: Voyages Data API also provides quantity in barrels that we will use in this example
voyages = voyages[voyages['horizon']=='Historical'][['id', 'quantity_in_barrels', 'cargo_sub_group', 'events']].copy()
voyages.rename(columns={'quantity_in_barrels': 'voyage_quantity_in_barrels', 'id': 'v_id'}, inplace = True)
explode dataframe to create 1 row per event and extract event info into columns
voyages['events'] = voyages['events'].apply(lambda x: x.__dict__)
voyages=pd.concat([voyages.drop(['events'], axis=1), voyages['events'].apply(pd.Series)], axis=1)
Keep only Load/Discharge events and drop some columns
voyages=voyages[(voyages['purpose']=='Discharge')|(voyages['purpose']=='Load')][[ 'v_id', 'voyage_quantity_in_barrels', 'cargo_sub_group',
'purpose', 'arrival_date', 'sailing_date', 'port_name',
'country', 'quantity', 'quantity_in_barrels']]
Converting events to flows¶
Combine Load and Discharge operations of the same voyage to create flows
flows=voyages[voyages['purpose']=='Load'].merge(voyages[voyages['purpose']=='Discharge'], on = ['v_id', 'voyage_quantity_in_barrels', 'cargo_sub_group'], suffixes=['_load','_discharge'])
Calculate quantity for each elementary flow
flows['flow_quantity_in_barrels'] = flows['quantity_in_barrels_load']*flows['quantity_in_barrels_discharge']/flows['voyage_quantity_in_barrels']
Convert Timestamp to datetime
flows['sailing_date_load'] = flows['sailing_date_load'].apply(lambda d : pd.to_datetime(d).tz_localize(None))
Group flows by origin country and destination, and use sailing_date_load as date of export¶
US_China_crude = flows[(flows['sailing_date_load']>"2022-01-01")&(flows['cargo_sub_group']=='Crude')] \
.set_index('sailing_date_load') \
.groupby(['country_load', 'country_discharge'])['flow_quantity_in_barrels'] \
.resample('MS') \
.sum() \
.reset_index() \
.rename(columns={'sailing_date_load': 'Date'})
- Keep only US to China flows
US_China_crude = US_China_crude[(US_China_crude['country_load']=='United States')&(US_China_crude['country_discharge']=='China')]
- Aggregate all exports monthly
- Drop unnecessary columns
US_China_crude['TotalExports'] = US_China_crude['flow_quantity_in_barrels'].groupby(US_China_crude['Date']).transform('sum')
US_China_crude.drop_duplicates(subset=['Date'], keep='last', inplace = True)
US_China_crude.drop(['country_discharge', 'flow_quantity_in_barrels'], axis=1, inplace = True)
country_load | Date | TotalExports | |
4443 | United States | 2022-01-01 | 5516656.0 |
4444 | United States | 2022-02-01 | 3801507.0 |
4445 | United States | 2022-03-01 | 8482108.0 |
4446 | United States | 2022-04-01 | 6956842.0 |
4447 | United States | 2022-05-01 | 1830122.0 |
Plot the flows¶
US_China_crude['Year'] = US_China_crude['Date'].apply(lambda date : date.year)
US_China_crude['Month'] = US_China_crude['Date'].apply(lambda date : date.month)
US_China_crude.sort_values(['Month', 'Year'], inplace = True)
US_China_crude['Month'] = US_China_crude['Date'].apply(lambda date : date.strftime("%b"))
fig = px.histogram(US_China_crude, x="Month", y="TotalExports", color='Year',
barmode='group', height=500, width=1000,
title='US to China VLCC Crude (MT)',
color_discrete_sequence=["lightgray", "gray", "lightblue"])
Example 2 - Dry: Panamaxes Thermal Coal Flows from Newcastle to Japan (at Port Call level, powered by V4)¶
Extract vessel class ids for Panamaxes
vessel_class_id | vessel_class_name | vessel_type_id | vessel_type | |
4 | 69 | VLOC | 3 | Dry |
5 | 70 | Capesize | 3 | Dry |
6 | 72 | Post Panamax | 3 | Dry |
7 | 74 | Panamax | 3 | Dry |
8 | 75 | Supramax | 3 | Dry |
9 | 76 | Handymax | 3 | Dry |
10 | 77 | Handysize | 3 | Dry |
19 | 92 | Small | 3 | Dry |
Get voyages for selected vessel classes (Post Panamax and Panamax) after a given date¶
vessel_class_ids = (72, 74)
date_from = datetime.strptime("2022-09-01", "%Y-%m-%d")
voyages = []
for vessel_class_id in vessel_class_ids:
voyages.append(api.get_voyages(vessel_class_id=vessel_class_id, date_from=date_from))
voyages = pd.DataFrame([v.__dict__ for vc in voyages for v in vc])
imo | voyage_number | vessel_type_id | vessel_class_id | vessel_status_id | commercial_operator_id | deleted | events | id | horizon_id | ... | is_implied_by_ais | has_manual_entries | ballast_distance | predicted_ballast_distance | laden_distance | predicted_laden_distance | suez_crossing | panama_crossing | canakkale_crossing | bosporus_crossing | |
34619 | 9991680 | 2 | 3 | 74 | 1 | NaN | False | (VoyageEvent(id='I9876004ASEDD37BE00', port_id... | I9876004AVEDD37BE00 | 1 | ... | None | None | 780.03 | NaN | 791.47 | NaN | None | None | None | None |
34620 | 9991680 | 3 | 3 | 74 | 1 | NaN | False | (VoyageEvent(id='I9876004ASEDD521C00', port_id... | I9876004AVEDD521C00 | 2 | ... | True | None | 175.35 | 571.09 | NaN | 1419.93 | None | None | None | None |
2 rows × 69 columns
Keep only voyages with Cargo Type Thermal Coal
voyages = voyages[(voyages['horizon']=='Historical')&(voyages['cargo_type']=='Thermal Coal')][['id', 'quantity', 'cargo_type', 'events']].copy()
voyages.rename(columns={'quantity': 'voyage_quantity', 'id': 'v_id'}, inplace = True)
explode dataframe to create 1 row per event and extract event info into columns
voyages['events'] = voyages['events'].apply(lambda x: x.__dict__)
voyages=pd.concat([voyages.drop(['events'], axis=1), voyages['events'].apply(pd.Series)], axis=1)
Keep only Load/Discharge events and drop some columns
- Note: Voyages Data API has information on all levels of Cargo Tree taxonomy, from cargo group, down to cargo sub type (grade). For this example we will use cargo_type corresponding to the taxonomy of Thermal Coal
voyages=voyages[(voyages['purpose']=='Discharge')|(voyages['purpose']=='Load')][[ 'v_id', 'voyage_quantity', 'purpose', 'arrival_date', 'cargo_type',
'sailing_date', 'port_name', 'country', 'quantity']]
Converting events to flows¶
Combine Load and Discharge operations of the same voyage to create flows
flows=voyages[voyages['purpose']=='Load'].merge(voyages[voyages['purpose']=='Discharge'], on = ['v_id', 'voyage_quantity', 'cargo_type'], suffixes=['_load','_discharge'])
flows['flow_quantity'] = flows['quantity_load']*flows['quantity_discharge']/flows['voyage_quantity']
Convert Timestamp to datetime
flows['sailing_date_load'] = flows['sailing_date_load'].apply(lambda d : pd.to_datetime(d).tz_localize(None))
Group flows by origin port and destination country and use sailing_date_load as date of export¶
Newcastle_Japan_coal = flows[(flows['sailing_date_load']>"2023-01-01")] \
.set_index('sailing_date_load') \
.groupby(['port_name_load', 'country_discharge'])['flow_quantity'] \
.resample('MS') \
.sum() \
.reset_index() \
.rename(columns={'sailing_date_load': 'Date'})
- Keep only Newcastle to Japan flows
Newcastle_Japan_coal = Newcastle_Japan_coal[(Newcastle_Japan_coal['port_name_load']=='Newcastle')&(Newcastle_Japan_coal['country_discharge']=='Japan')]
- Aggregate all exports monthly
- Drop unnecessary columns
Newcastle_Japan_coal['TotalExports'] = Newcastle_Japan_coal['flow_quantity'].groupby(Newcastle_Japan_coal['Date']).transform('sum')
Newcastle_Japan_coal.drop_duplicates(subset=['Date'], keep='last', inplace = True)
Newcastle_Japan_coal.drop(['country_discharge', 'flow_quantity'], axis=1, inplace = True)
port_name_load | Date | TotalExports | |
1950 | Newcastle | 2023-01-01 | 4407000.0 |
1951 | Newcastle | 2023-02-01 | 3623000.0 |
1952 | Newcastle | 2023-03-01 | 4003000.0 |
1953 | Newcastle | 2023-04-01 | 1959000.0 |
1954 | Newcastle | 2023-05-01 | 2703000.0 |
Plot the flows¶
Newcastle_Japan_coal['Year'] = Newcastle_Japan_coal['Date'].apply(lambda date : date.year)
Newcastle_Japan_coal['Month'] = Newcastle_Japan_coal['Date'].apply(lambda date : date.month)
Newcastle_Japan_coal.sort_values(['Month', 'Year'], inplace = True)
Newcastle_Japan_coal['Month'] = Newcastle_Japan_coal['Date'].apply(lambda date : date.strftime("%b"))
fig = px.histogram(Newcastle_Japan_coal, x="Month", y="TotalExports", color='Year',
barmode='group', height=500, width=1000,
title='Newcastle to Japan Panamaxes Thermal Coal (MT)',
color_discrete_sequence=["lightgray", "gray", "lightblue"])